Thursday, February 26, 2009 (99 stars) is a website that provides online course authoring software. If you want to make online courses, eLearning modules or training programs, then can offer you a good answer to your needs.’s main product offering is myUdutu™. It is an easy-to-use online authoring software that can be used by anyone. With this software, you would no longer need to rely on programmers to produce for you good quality online modules. myUdutu™ enables any user to create interactive courses rich with visual media which greatly improves training opportunities for students and employees alike. It can be used in all fields and professions providing human resource managers, trainers, professionals, teachers, etc., the edge in making such courses. With its WSIWYG (What You Is What You Get) feature, myUdutu™ attracts more users; gives it a traffic rank of 792, 079. is a website that features online course authoring that helps different people and organizations build their courses and activities online. It is composed of four different services namely, course development, multimedia production, graphic design, and customer service. These services help firms and organizations optimize their e-learning platforms from the building part to the design part. The site also furnishes users with different products (most of them are free) such as myUdutu, which is an online course authoring tool, that helps you build branching simulations and case studies, interactive quizzes, and complex assessments. A nice thing about the products that the site offers is that you can use them without any technical expertise; all you need is an internet access and a computer. Collaborations in developing online courses are also made possible without additional fees. Another breakthrough that the site offers is that it ties up with social networking sites such as Facebook to build up a learning network in which productive individuals can work together.

Its simplicity and its customization is also one of its values. You only have to access from the internet, build your course by importing PowerPoint presentations, customize your learning windows, and add videos and audios, and then publish it using the site’s server, and you’re done!

Forums about its products and help sites regarding its services are also in the site to help novice learn more about its value and make users solve certain problems whenever they arise. Tips and feedbacks from other users can also be viewed from the site to know and utilize the site more efficiently.

You can also be sure of the contents and the reliability of the site because it provides several resources where its contents are taken or bases. It is also very progressive and creative because they are able to develop different programs and softwares that can be used in the future and can also develop the world of e-learning for the better like the KoolTool, LOGIC, CEDARLearning system, and the MBA Course. These take e-learning to a whole new level. creates opportunities for the business using it. It can provide training for their employees with minimum cost. The business can provide orientation training for new staff, brief managers on new product launches, create simulations for customers, provide customer or patient training, offer online learning opportunities for customers, or create preparation courses for face to face training, post training support resources, quick reference modules, et. On the other hand, this ( website earns money in four ways:

  1. Udutu acts a host for the finished courses for users, charging a monthly hosting fee based on the number of screens used by the course.
  2. They build or modify courses for certain percentage of the users.
  3. They allow users to build and deploy there own courses in udutu’s servers then the users will purchase the entire system to transfer to their own servers.
  4. They provide training and support services to their installed base. is a website that offers E-learning. This website is very accommodating to all users. How? First, it helps people learn courses through experts themselves who upload these courses and not call center agents who, they themselves do not know the questions being asked of them and are not experts.

Secondly, it makes learning fun through different means, by uploading a video, a flash game, java applet and etc. It makes learning interactive and not boring like your traditional college classroom experience.

Thirdly, it makes the experts, who upload courses, utilize different software like flash, java, Microsoft Power point and other media, which even they do not know how to manipulate, so that they can make their courses interactive and fun. How? Udutu offers templates for them to use. They can also, have online quizzes and games for these courses.

Can we trust It brags that it follows SCROM 2004. What is SCROM 2004? SCORM 2004 introduces a complex idea called sequencing, which is a set of rules that specify the order in which a learner may experience content objects. In simple terms, they constrain a learner to a fixed set of paths through the training material, permit the learner to "bookmark" their progress when taking breaks, and assure the acceptability of test scores achieved by the learner. (WIKIPEDIA) Thus, it can be said that is trustworthy.

This is a very affordable alternative to enrolling in universities just to take a specific class to learn new things.

Why would the experts do this? First of all, they can make courses on the fly and do them if and when they have time. They can customize the order or arrangement of the topics in the course easily. Also, they are able to achieve the same thing as when they teach in universities and colleges, they get to educate people in areas they are considered as experts in. It also, doesn’t cost much because to use Udutu is completely free. The experts can either upload their courses through their own server or use the Udutu server for a measly fee of $1.


  1. Electronica: Woah, this website review really has a lot to say!

    However, there seems to be redundancy in the way information was presented. Some information was explicitly mentioned more than once.

    We'd have to agree with this one (to a certain extent): "The group also, realizes that this is a very affordable alternative to enrolling in universities just to take a specific class to learn new things." It works pretty much like UP's open university, right?

  2. Matri-6 says:

    Your review is comprehensive.
    In just a few paragraphs, it encapsulated most of the features of the site. *clap-clap*

    However, our group found some inconsistencies in your review. And these are:

    1. "With its WSIWYG (What You Is What You Get) feature..."
    - I guess it should have been 'WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)'.
    Or is it really like that?
    If it's just typographical error, then let us advise you to be careful next time.

    2. "...charging a monthly hosting fee based on the number of screens used by the course."
    "...use the Udutu server for a measly fee of $1."
    " use Udutu is completely free."
    - Whew! If it charges fees (monthly hosting fee, etc.) even if it's just $1, then it's not completely free, right?


  3. Electronica, there's hosting fee beyond a certain number of slides. :) less than that number, it's free.

  4. [in-Between Names]
    The review is very detailed. I like the way they’ve outlined things like how the site provides e-learning and how it makes money. In that way, future users would know easily how the website would help them.

    The information is systematic at first, as the other group said, some points are redundant. I think it would be better if they just proved one point then elaborate, relate it to the others, then move on to the next, rather than going back and forth to one point making it somehow confusing. I guess the group should be careful next time. =)

  5. -Jjam Ppong-

    The review is comrehensible but it's a bit long. Maybe the group shoud have just summarized everything. However, I appreciate what the group did with acknowledging both positive and negative sides of and how they present their reasons. It's very detailed and organized. =)

  6. This review is very detailed and comprehensive, which works at your disadvantage. The first two paragraphs are almost identical, especially the first sentence of both paragraphs.

    1. " is a website that provides online course authoring software. If you want to make online courses..."

    2. " is a website that features online course authoring that helps different people and organizations build their courses and activities online..."

    I appreciate the effort and information. Good job! :D

    Team ONE-derful
